יום רביעי, 9 בינואר 2013


John is 2 years old now he is the quetest boy
John became a big brother when his sister was born Jill
Jill was born with the ultimate beuty  two huge blue eyes and blond hair
she was miss nursery in the hospital all the nurses wanted to hold her
A dream for every mother
I brought Jill home from the hospital John was on a high he loved his sister
He loved her so much that once he almost chocked her with his bear hug
of course I couldnt leave him a minute without waching him
His development was ok I didnt realize major delays in his developmental milestones
the only thing that I did realize was a little speech and language delay
by 2 they are supposed to talk in 2 word sentences and he only were able to talk 1 word sentence
He was super friendly , he wasnt afraid of strangers and he would go to any body
one day I went into a department store to shop for clothing for my kids
I saw a little pink coat with ruffles that I fell in love with I was so busy admiring the coat that I didnt realize that John is not next to me till I heard an announcment in the microphone that a baby is looking for his mother
Who do you think it was?
to be continue...

יום שלישי, 8 בינואר 2013


ONCE  when I went to take a blood test for his food allergie
it was sunday and the staff was a weekend staff
the nurse put the rubber on his hand to stop find a vein but his hand turn white like the wall
I took my son and ran a way from there...

יום ראשון, 6 בינואר 2013


One Wednesday morning I got up in the morning
but someone was quiker then me
I couldnt belive my eyes when I walked into the kitchen
the all place was coverd with white dust from the floor till the ceiling
and on the floor was laying an empty flouer bag that John had just emptied out on my entire kitchen!!!
What do you think was my first reaction?
I know what you think, but no!
I didnt scream not even cry
What I did  can only a mom do!
I took out my camera and shoot picture from this war zone looking kitchen
then the fun of cleaning up everything started
more stories about my adhd sufferer are coming soon

יום רביעי, 2 בינואר 2013


Where am I up too?
remind me! ohhh!
now we know that John had eczema,Astma and food allergie everything in not yet 1 year old little munchkin!!!

The second year of his life started I didnt realize any problem with his milestones reaching
He started walking by 13 month which is not too bad
But once he started walking he was so active that it was imposible
he used to climb on the table , fall down from the table , hurt imself terrible
Later it was one of the thing that I told early intervention (or in short ei ) when I had my meetting
usualy when a child this age fall from the table he wouldnt go again on the table for 10 years if he has brain
But what is wrong with my John?
isnt he smart?
my dearest son!
to be continued...

יום שלישי, 1 בינואר 2013

allergie test

The next step is to find out what else he is allergic to!
so someone recomended me an alternative doctor that have a special way to test allergie
its an allergie computer test
that he put one end on the patient body and the other end on a certain food and it shows if he is allergic to it
I think that this is under the homeopathic medicine
so it came out that he is allergic to what not?!
1. milk allergie
2. all kind of nuts allergie
3. gluten allergie
4. fish allergie
5. egg and egg product
what do you feed him?
I didnt want to give him bread to munch on so he was eating paper.
to be continue...


Now we know John is very allelrgic to milk! can we relaxe a little bit ?!
hold on !
a week later I was baking for a party that was being in our house
I have all my friends and my husband friends coming !
But John is allways active he found something that he never saw before
How amazing is those egg shells that mommy just put in the garbage can
lets play with that !
But oh... no...!!!
again his face got blown up!
now I new its an allergic reaction so he has also egg allergie in addition to the milk allergie we know allready
to be continue!